Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Vanessa Hudgens: Churchgoing Chick

Enjoying a relaxing day off, Vanessa Hudgens was spotted hitting up a class at United Methodist Church in Hollywood this morning (July 28).

The “High School Musical” babe looked cute and casual as she strolled inside, sporting a grey top, blue trousers, and a multi-colored scarf.

In related news, Vanessa’s beau Zac Efron told press he definitely enjoyed watching her on the set of her new movie “Sucker Punch.”

“She was in Vancouver, beating the he** out of people and stunt guys. Watching your girlfriend do it, it’s incredibly hot, but at the same time, jealousy was just oozing out of every pore. She can do all the stuff you dream of when I was a kid. I was watching that. So cool. I was happy just to be on set.”

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