Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kim and Khloe Kardashian: Barry's Bootcamp Babes

Pairing up for a midweek workout, Kim and Khloe Kardashian were spotted out at Barry's Bootcamp in Sherman Oaks, California on Wednesday (July 28).

Both donning their tight-fitting workout gear, the E! reality beauties happily chatted with one another as they left the local fitness center after a cardio-intensive sweat session.

Tweeting about the day's outing, Kim wrote, "Just finished Barry's Bootcamp! Double workout today!!! Doesn't help when I get to my moms house my little sisters made me cupcakes! Uggghhh"

Meanwhile, Khloe tweeted, "Barry's bootcamp time with @kimkardashian and our mama. Working on our fitness"

And while the Kardashian sisters were expending all of their energy at the gym today, Kim is looking forward to a rare respite from work on Thursday, as she tells, "I have the day off tomorrow! No work! What am I gonna do with myself!"

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Kim and Khloe Kardashian: Barry's Bootcamp BabesKim and Khloe Kardashian: Barry's Bootcamp BabesKim and Khloe Kardashian: Barry's Bootcamp BabesKim and Khloe Kardashian: Barry's Bootcamp Babes
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