Thursday, July 29, 2010

UK Poster And Trailer Hit For Mr. Nice

Part nuclear physicist, part school teacher, part spy, ALL dope smuggler, the story of Mr. Nice is somewhat unbelievable but is 100% true. Based on the life story of the nicest man in Britain, Mr. Nice chronicles the life and times of Howard Marks, played by Rhys Ifans, and his exploits as the most notorious hash dealer in the northern hemisphere.

Fittingly, the HeyUGuys Blog across the sea landed this first trailer for the film and not only does it look like a cool bit of zany fun, but Howard Marks himself pops up at the end urging you to check out the movie’s website and join his team. The movie also stars Chloe Sevigny, David Thewlis and Crispin Glover just to name a few.

You may not have much of a chance to see Mr. Nice until it hits DVD at an as yet undetermined time, but for now you can sate yourself with this trailer and poster or just go out and buy the autobiographical book the film is based on if you’re that interested in Marks’ story.

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