Thursday, July 29, 2010

This Three Minute Featurette Introduces Us To The World of Tangled

If you’re like me, you want to like everything that Disney has to offer, but have been having a little trouble getting excited for Tangled after the first trailer made it look like a Bratz movie. The one thing that still has me hanging on to hope that this will truly be a wonderful Disney film is the vibrant and lush art style, which is the focus of a new three-minute featurette that recently went online.

In the clip the directors as well as members of the vast art team talk about their inspirations and goals when bringing the world of Rapunzel to life. From watching old Disney classics to just hanging out at Fantasyland at Disneyland in California, the team put forth countless hours of study before really diving in and building this world from the ground up and it paid off.

Scope out the video below (via /film).

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