Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Steve Carell Will Be Raised By Wolfs

Steve Carell is about as busy as an actor can be at the moment, with Despicable Me a surprise animated
hit that stars his voice, and the end of his contact with The Office next season meaning he'll have the freedom to take on as many movie projects as he damn well pleases. It's not unusual, though, to have Carell attach his name to a project only to wander off after a time, so don't make too much of the news at THR that he's attached to star in and produce Raised By Wolfs, an original comedy pitch by Les Firestein.

DreamWorks is handling the whole project and revealing practically nothing about the plot, though apparently the Wolfs of the title refers to the name of a family, not a grammatically incorrect reference to actual canines. Firestein's background includes acting as head writer for In Living Color and executive producing The Drew Carey Show, though there's no telling how that background in 90s comedy will add to this pitch one way or another.

There's also no telling when, if ever, to expect this film-- Carell's other films in development through his production company include the still-unmade Mail-Order Groom, Missing Links and Hi-T-- so keep this one in your back pocket until we see actual further development.
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