Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rachel Uchitel Skips Out of Celebrity Rehab

She’s been working out her addiction issues on VH1’s “Celebrity Rehab 4,” but Rachel Uchitel may not be strong enough to see it through.

According to a report, the Tiger Woods mistress stormed out of the gig and told producers “I quit” yesterday after being overwhelmed by her experience.

An on-set source revealed, "After a very intense day of filming, Rachel just couldn't handle being at the Pasadena Recovery Center where Celebrity Rehab is filmed, and she decided to leave.”

"Producers arrived at her hotel the following morning, and calm prevailed. Rachel simply needed some time away from the intense pressure and scrutiny that she is dealing with. She agreed to go back to Celebrity Rehab 4. Rachel has never had to face these issues before, and talking about it pushed her over the edge, and her instinct was to run. Producers made her realize that if she continues to run away from her issues, she will never be able to live a healthy life."

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