Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Blake Lively's Rotating Wardrobe

Plugging away on set of “Gossip Girl,” Blake Lively was spotted churning out new material for the hit CW show in New York City on Tuesday (July 27).

The Serena van der Woodsen actress made several wardrobe changes throughout the shoot, as she was spotted in ripped, glitter capris paired with a black top, followed by a robe and blue trousers and later in a long, maroon dress and flats.

In related news, Ms Lively recently opened up about her “Green Lantern’s” co-star, Ryan Reynold’s wife, Scarlett Johansson.

While at this year’s Comic Com, Blake revealed how impressed she was with ScarJo’s impressive role in “Iron Man 2.” She told MTV, “She's Black Widow! She was terrific! She's got to teach me how to fight!"

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