Wednesday, July 28, 2010

“Scott Pilgrim” Guys Go Bottomless for GQ

They’re some of the funniest guys in Hollywood, and the stars of “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” have exposed themselves to their fans in a whole new way.

Michael Cera, Jason Schwartzman, and Chris Evans all appear in the new issue of GQ magazine wearing spiffy outfits up top, and nothing but their naked glory down below.

The concept they’re illustrating is what they call “Pantless Saturdays” in which they jokingly claim one day of the week to unleash their manhood for the whole world to see.

In the satirical article, they proclaim, "This, madam, is my junk. Now, kindly step aside and allow me into the museum."

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Scott Pilgrim vs. The WorldScott Pilgrim vs. The WorldScott Pilgrim vs. The WorldScott Pilgrim vs. The World
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