Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jessica Biel: BBC Babe

Stepping out for some promotional duties, Jessica Biel was spotted leaving BBC Radio 1 studios in London, England today (July 28).

The “Summer Catch” cutie looked snazzy in a floral purple and blue dress with Christian Louboutin heels and a big grey handbag.

In a recent interview, Jessica said her latest gig “The A-Team” was a natural fit, as she loves being active. “I've always been a physical person, so it's a big part of my life. Later today, I'll hit a yoga class, run for an hour or swim because I need to move my body, even if I've been working all day.”

“It's who I am. I hike with my dogs, which keeps me clearheaded, and I mix yoga with lots of cardio circuit training. It's very boring, but it keeps up the maintenance, so I don't lose or gain weight.”

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