Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Angelina Jolie’s Got Seoul

Keeping up with her promotional duties, Angelina Jolie was spotted at the premiere of her new film “Salt” in Seoul, South Korea today (July 28).

The “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” actress looked lovely in a black ensemble as she hammed it up for the cameras at Time Square.

During an interview earlier this week, Angelina revealed the secret to her good looks- "I woke up with my kids and played all morning, so I'm full of happy thoughts of them and life and so I feel happy, and I think that translates.”

"When you're happy with what you do in your life, and you're surrounded by a lot of love and support, that's the best thing for beauty. When you're living very fully."

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Angelina Jolie’s Got SeoulAngelina Jolie’s Got SeoulAngelina Jolie’s Got SeoulAngelina Jolie’s Got Seoul
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