Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Expected to Spend Two Weeks in Jail

She burst into tears when Judge Marsha Revel threw a 90-day prison sentence at her, but Lindsay Lohan won’t be in the slammer nearly that long.

According to Sheriff department spokesman Steve Whitmore, the “Mean Girls” actress is expected to serve “about 14 days” at the Century Regional Detention Facility.

Other specific details of LiLo’s incarceration include being housed in a solitary area of the jail. “She will be kept away from general population.”

Attorney Shawn Chapman Holley added that Lindsay “is asking for your prayers and support. She has stepped up and accepted responsibility."

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Lindsay Lohan Expected to Spend Two Weeks in JailLindsay Lohan Expected to Spend Two Weeks in JailLindsay Lohan Expected to Spend Two Weeks in JailLindsay Lohan Expected to Spend Two Weeks in JailLindsay Lohan Expected to Spend Two Weeks in JailLindsay Lohan Expected to Spend Two Weeks in JailLindsay Lohan Expected to Spend Two Weeks in Jail
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