Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jennifer Aniston Slaps Stalker with Restraining Order

Having just flown off to London for promotional duties, Jennifer Aniston is in the midst of a scary situation back home in the States.

According to a report from Gossip Cop, the former "Friends" darling was allegedly being stalked by a man named Jason Peyton.

The report continues to tell that Peyton was arrested at an undisclosed location on July 15th while in possession of criminal tools including "a sharp object, a roll of duct tape and written messages about the actress."

Meanwhile, court records indicate that the 24-year-old Aniston stalker is “an obsessed, mentally ill and delusional stalker — with a history of violence and criminal stalking — who drove cross-country in his delusional ‘mission’ to locate and marry [Aniston], with whom he believes he is in a relationship.”

With a restraining order in place, Jen can call the cops and have Jason arrested anytime he comes within 100 yards.

Jennifer Aniston Slaps Stalker with Restraining OrderJennifer Aniston Slaps Stalker with Restraining OrderJennifer Aniston Slaps Stalker with Restraining OrderJennifer Aniston Slaps Stalker with Restraining OrderJennifer Aniston Slaps Stalker with Restraining OrderJennifer Aniston Slaps Stalker with Restraining OrderJennifer Aniston Slaps Stalker with Restraining OrderJennifer Aniston Slaps Stalker with Restraining Order
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