Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ellen DeGeneres Quits "American Idol"

Pulling the plug after just one season, Ellen DeGeneres will no longer be taking a seat in the judge's booth on "American Idol".

Releasing a statement on Thursday (July 29), Ellen told, “A couple months ago, I let FOX and the American Idol producers know that this didn’t feel like the right fit for me."

She continues, “I told them I wouldn’t leave them in a bind and that I would hold off on doing anything until they were able to figure out where they wanted to take the panel next. It was a difficult decision to make, but my work schedule became more than I bargained for."

The daytime talk show host finishes, “I also realized this season that while I love discovering, supporting and nurturing young talent, it was hard for me to judge people and sometimes hurt their feelings. I loved the experience working on Idol and I am very grateful for the year I had, I am a huge fan of the show and will continue to be.”
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