Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kim Kardashian's Relaxing Work-Free Day

Making the most of a day off of work, Kim Kardashian was spotted arriving at the Nail Design Salon for a little pampering in Los Angeles on Thursday (July 29).

Looking sexy in white ripped jeans and a black blazer, the E! reality star treated herself to a simultaneous massage/mani/pedi before going to grab lunch to-go at M Cafe de Chaya on Melrose Avenue.

Tweeting to her many fans and followers during the course of the day, Kim cheerfully wrote, "Having a gr8 makeup day thx 2 @Fusion_Beauty's Illumifill Line Filling Luminizer @Sephora. Luv radiant skin & happy 2 b the spokesperson"

Also giving a shout out to her youngest sister, who just landed a modeling gig with Sears at the age of 13, Miss Kardashian tweeted, "So proud of u Kylie!!!! my sisters are superstars!"
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