Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nicole Scherzinger: Rehearsing for Rent Stage Show

Back out for another day of practice, Nicole Scherzinger was spotted working on the Los Angeles production of Rent in Hollywood, California on Thursday (July, 29).

Readying for her role as Maureen, the casually dressed former Pussycat Dolls singer looked to be taking an upsetting phone call while heading to her car after the day's rehearsals.

Also tending to her Rent duties the previous day, the 32-year-old was a bit more chipper as she toted her script while clad in a white tank top, grey sweats and black ballet flats.

With the show set to take place at the Hollywood Bowl from August 6-8, producer Neil Patrick Harris previously joked of Miss Scherzinger, "Nicole had a wonderful audition - she was well prepared, sang beautifully, and had us all laughing. If only she was somewhat attractive and didn’t have two left feet…"
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