Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Taylor Momsen Talks Material Girl Gig

She’s touring on the Vans Warped Tour with her band the Pretty Reckless, has a killer gig on the CW’s “Gossip Girl” and was hand-picked by Madonna for her new Material Girl clothing line and Taylor Momsen is on top of her game.

The singer/actress/model will be making an appearance in Herald Square on August 3rd for the Material Girl launch (200 Macy’s stores) and Miss Momsen told press she’s pumped about the gig.

Taylor explained, “I was ecstatic to be asked. It’s such an honor. It’s Madonna. I was kind of shocked. She’s amazing.”

“The role entails doing the launch of the line on Aug. 3 at Herald Square. And I’ll be tweeting and talking about the line. We did a photo shoot for the first pieces of the collection. It’s a really great line. It’s really cool.”

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