Wednesday, July 28, 2010

“Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” Premieres in LA

It’s sure to be one of the summer’s funniest flicks, and last night (July 27) “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” premiered in Los Angeles

Michael Cera, Jason Schwartzman, and Anna Kendrick all showed up at the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre to promote their new film, smiling and waving to fans as they posed on the red carpet.

Also in the house were Amanda Crew, Abigail Breslin, Sigourney Weaver, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Aubrey Plaza, Thomas Jane, Seth Green and Clare Grant.

Set to hit theaters on August 13th, “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” is about a guy who falls in love with a girl and has to battle her seven evil ex-boyfriends before they can be together.

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“Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” Premieres in LA“Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” Premieres in LA“Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” Premieres in LA“Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” Premieres in LA
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