Thursday, July 22, 2010

Scarlett Johansson is back with a new song ‘Bullet’

Scarlett Johansson has released a new song, cover of Steel Train’s ‘Bullet.’

Scarlett Johansson will never make it to the list of my top 10 favorite singers ever. However, even though her previous music effort was severely slammed by critics, the actress-turned-singer doesn’t give up hope to break through to music stardom.

The new song sounds definitely better than, say, ‘Falling Down’ but it still seems that Johansson isn’t very good at singing.

‘Bullet’ is a part of Terrible Thrills, a tribute album by Scarlett Johansson and Pete Yorn.

I don’t think I’ll buy the record. However, I praise Scarlett’s persistence and focus on achieving her goals.

Check out Scarlett Johansson’s cover of ‘Bullet’ below and tell me you thoughts about it!

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