Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Paramount Unveils Comic Con Posters For Thor And Captain America

San Diego Comic Con doesn't get started until tomorrow, but Paramount has already kicked things off with a bang by revealing one of the most anticipated things about the entire Con: the first look at Chris Evans as Captain America. Well, sort of. The studio has released two "exclusive Comic Con
posters" at Yahoo! Movies, one for Thor and one for Cap. The posters
look more like concept art than actual posters, and likely don't represent specific scenes for the film, but coupled with the Thor images released earlier this week, represent the studio's first official looks at the next two Avengers.

Take a look at the posters below, and stay tuned as we arrive in San Diego tomorrow and seek out our own copies, which we assume will be handed out on the exhibition hall. Presumably much more detailed looks at Thor and Cap will also be coming on Saturday at the Marvel, and we'll be bringing it all back to you as soon as we see it.

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Posters For Thor And Captain America

Posters For Thor And Captain America
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