Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Green Lantern Photo Shows Hal In A Flight Suit, Not Much More

The fervor surrounding The Green Lantern is swirling to its peak as production wraps up and the effects-heavy film goes into what will be a long and arduous post-production process. As fanboys anxiously await a trailer, they’ve been kept at bay by exciting photos showing off Ryan Reynolds as the titular spandexed hero, Hector Hammond’s giant, disgusting head and Abin Sur's body in a glass box. Unfortunately, not everything can be that exciting.

The Entertainment Weekly issue that revealed the first image of Reynolds fully suited up in his CGI jumpsuit also sported a few production stills, the last of which finally got their hands on. Why was it last to make its way to the webs, you ask? Probably because it’s super boring and reveals nothing about the film other than the fact that Hal Jordan is a pilot.

Nevertheless, here’s the picture below which shows Blake Lively gossiping it up with Reynolds. Look for more Green Lantern stuff very soon.

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