Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Madonna's Taylor Momsen Shoot: Behind the Scenes

Having recently wrapped up her new Material Girl gig, more details of Taylor Momsen’s ad campaign have been released.

Hand-picked by Madonna and her daughter, Lourdes, the former “Gossip Girl” actress was photographed by the Queen of Pop herself on the streets of Manhattan in New York City.

Of the honorable shoot, Momsen told Access Hollywood, “Madonna totally came in and intervened and re-did everything and positioned everything and put it into her own vibe.”

Taylor added that Lourdes- whose nickname is Lola- was also in attendance considereing the Material Girl clothing line is split between mother and daughter. Momsent added, “Lola was here all day and she helped style the shoot and I worked with her to put the outfits together. She’s a sweetheart.”

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Madonna's Taylor Momsen Shoot: Behind the ScenesMadonna's Taylor Momsen Shoot: Behind the ScenesMadonna's Taylor Momsen Shoot: Behind the ScenesMadonna's Taylor Momsen Shoot: Behind the ScenesMadonna's Taylor Momsen Shoot: Behind the Scenes
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