Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Madonna: Ready to Film in the French Riviera

Continuing to work on her project "W.E.," Madonna was spotted making her way around Villefranche-sur-Mer, France on Wednesday (July 28).

The "Material Girl" had just landed at the Nice Airport, as she headed off to look for proper filming locales in the French Riviera commune ahead of shoots scheduled for Thursday.

Aside from her movie ambitions, the Daily Mirror is reporting that Madge is plotting a six-month tour as we speak.

“It’s going to be her biggest, most unexpected tour to date,” the Mirror's source said. “Madonna is in peak conditions so the grueling aspect of life on the road isn’t a problem."

The insider adds, “She also road-tested dancers at her fave London club, and had her lover, Jesus Luz, give his opinion.”

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