Friday, July 23, 2010

Katy Perry Talks “Teenage Dream”

From all indications, she’ll have another hit album on her hands this August when Teenage Dream hits stores, and Katy Perry’s second single is the album’s title track.

“Teenage Dream” debuted on radio and online outlets yesterday and Katy told press it was a very special song for her to write.

I wrote that song in Santa Barbara and it was a very pure moment for me, because that's where I'm from. And it was, like, where I started my creative juices.”

“And also it kind of exudes this euphoric feeling because everybody remembers what their teenage dreams were — all the girls that were on your poster walls. And I want to continue to be one of those ... teenage wet dreams.”

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Katy Perry Talks “Teenage Dream”Katy Perry Talks “Teenage Dream”Katy Perry Talks “Teenage Dream”
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