Thursday, July 29, 2010

Katie Holmes: Louboutin Lovely

Focused on business matters, Katie Holmes was spotted rushing off to a local office building on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, California on Thursday afternoon (July 29).

Wearing a white blouse, olive green jacket, jeans with cuffs and a pair of Christian Louboutin heels, the "Dawson's Creek" darling has been to numerous meetings for undisclosed matters since returning to the west coast from Toronto.

As for her time north of the border, Katie was busy working on The History Channel's miniseries event "The Kennedys" - during which she brought daughter Suri along for company.

Definitely not roughing it, a source tells of Suri's grandeur in the Canadian locale, saying, “She has her own driver and rides in her own $80,000 Escalade to and from the set! Suri loves running around the beautiful grounds, and playing and swimming in the pool at their amazing house when she is not on the set with Katie. There is also a playroom tailored to Suri. It has all of her favorite dolls and games, so it feels like home."
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