Thursday, July 29, 2010

Elisabetta Canalis: Cocaine Scandal Stress

Caught up in quite the scandalous situation, Elisabetta Canalis has been laying low since being implicated as a participant in a nightclub cocaine and prostitution ring in Italy.

With reports breaking earlier this week, the gorgeous girlfriend of actor George Clooney is said to be a bit shaken while also grateful to still have her man by her side.

Of the situation, Milan party girl Francesca Biagini told E! News, "I have heard that Elisabetta is distraught but that George is standing by her. In Milan, everyone is talking about this. It's a huge scandal and we think more celebrities will be named."

Talking about seeing Miss Canalis at one of the now-closed establishments, Biagini continues, "Elisabetta was a regular at Hollywood in Milan for several years. She's friends with a lot of the models who live in the city. I last saw her there at a birthday party last year for the captain of AC Milan. I never saw her doing cocaine, but she's always the life and soul of the party. She's a fun girl."
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