Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Johnny Depp Talks “Pirates 4”

He’s always been the consummate entertainer, and Johnny Depp revealed some tidbits from the forthcoming “Pirates of the Caribbean 4” flick during a two-minute video shown at the 2010 San Diego Comic Con.

In the spot, Depp (who was in his Captain Jack Sparrow character) revealed, “You may have heard whisperings and rumours that Captain Jack Sparrow be recruiting a crew, to undertake a voyage to the fountain of youth – Not true! Course not!”

“But even if it weren’t not true, you wouldn’t be interested in joining me would you!? Eh? No? Thought not. I do admit, that they’d be very substantial dangers along the way. Including, but not limited to: zombies, cutthroats, mermaids, and a vicious and vivacious Penelope Cruz. Which is why I’m not going! No sir. It's impossible to find the place anyway.”

“No-one knows where it is. Of course, they'd have to have a bloody map. Or a Bloody Mary. Or both. Which is not a bad idea in fact, a Bloody Mary. Bloody Marys all round! It's on the mouse. Barman!”

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