Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Zoe Saldana's Sexy CK Envy Lingerie Ads

Rising to stardom via "Avatar," Zoe Saldana is branching out as a model and couldn't look any better in her first campaign for Calvin Klein.

Promoting the brand's fall women’s Envy line, the multi-million dollar ad blitz will first be seen in circulation in mid-September upon the release of October magazines.

Executive vice president of global communications at Calvin Klein Inc., Malcolm Carfrae, tells WWD that Zoe's Envy campaign will be “one of the biggest launches in the brand’s history."

As for her take on ladies' undergarments, Saldana said, “I like when you are able to assist your body to look amazing as opposed to replacing anything. That’s exactly what Calvin Klein Underwear Envy does. It helps you, it assists you, but it will not overshadow what you can bring naturally.”

Shipping to stores as we speak, the Envy line is comprised of five bras including a lace demi bra, a tailored demi bra, a natural lift plunge bra, an air push up bra and Miss Saldana’s favorite, a triangle bra.

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Zoe Saldana's Sexy CK Envy Lingerie AdsZoe Saldana's Sexy CK Envy Lingerie AdsZoe Saldana's Sexy CK Envy Lingerie AdsZoe Saldana's Sexy CK Envy Lingerie AdsZoe Saldana's Sexy CK Envy Lingerie Ads
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