Thursday, July 29, 2010

Watch Violence Jack: Harlem Bomber Online Free

Violence Jack is the incarnation of death in Post Apocalyptic Japan. A giant with fangs and claws he is the invincible badass on the block. In a fight between Violence Jack and Chuck Norris, save your betting money to pay for a taxi to get you as far away as possible because nothing will be left standing. When the gang lord named Slumking sends out his minions to capture women to be sex slaves for his gang it is up to Violence Jack to save the day by basically ripping every living thing to bits with his buck knife and his herculean muscles. Reminiscent of Mel Gibson’s Road Warrior movie crossed with the Incredible Hulk and then injected with some 80’s anime flair, Violence Jack will probably make you laugh simply because Violence Jack is too awesome to be taken seriously.

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