Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rihanna to Make Acting Debut in "Battleship"

Looking to try her luck on the big screen, it has been announced that Rihanna will be making her movie debut in a new production called "Battleship".

According to Variety reports, the Barbadian beauty will be joining forces with "True Blood" stud Alexander Skarsgard and "Friday Night Lights" hunk Taylor Kitsch in the Peter Berg directed nautical blockbuster based on the Hasbro board game.

Variety tells that the film's plot "revolves around a fleet of ships that come into contact with an extra-terrestrial force, with Kitsch and Skarsgard playing two naval officer brothers who lead the fight."

Meanwhile, fans have a bit of a wait before "Battleship" sees release - as it has been slated to hit theaters on May 25, 2012.

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