Friday, July 30, 2010

Mel Gibson’s Email Apology to Oksana Grigorieva

New details keep emerging regarding the violent relationship between Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva, and the latest update is that Mel apologized for hitting Oksana in an email the following day.

The “Braveheart” actor wrote, “Could you please call me. I want to tell you how unspeakably sorry I am” in an email dated January 7 at 9:50am.

Prior to the email, Mel also asked Oksana, “How’s your tooth?” at 8:38am, a question that could land him in serious trouble because it helps to establish that Gibson knew he damaged Grigorieva’s mouth when he hit her.

Oksana’s dentist is also coming to her defense and has offered to testify on her behalf in court. An insider told press, “He will be a very strong witness for her, if it ever gets to that point.”
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