Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lee Pace May Wind Up In Twilight: Breaking Dawn

Anyone who didn’t watch Pushing Daisies should rush over to Netflix right this second and add it to their Instant Queue. The plight of the Pie Maker is one of the best written and most entertaining shows of the past ten years, not to mention the best-looking, since it had some of the most unique production design you could ever hope to see out of the small screen.

According to Gossip Cop, the show’s star, Lee Pace, is in the running to play a close friend of Edward Cullen in the next installment of the Twilight Saga. Garrett has “a lightness and element of humor about him” that will certainly be a nice change for the relentlessly over-broody franchise whose only current comic relief, Bella’s awesome dad Charlie, gets an unfortunately small amount of screen time.

Pace has not yet been approached about the role, but supposedly is at the top of Summit and director Bill Condon’s wish list to step in when filming starts later this year. While it would be good for the series to get an actor in there with some real acting skill (again, Billy Burke and Peter Faccinelli make up most of that), Lee Pace is on the cusp of really breaking out, and a role like this might not be good for him to take if he wants to make a serious name for himself. We’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime, check out Pace in Pushing Daisies as well as The Fall, Tarsem’s CGI-free masterpiece.
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