Friday, July 30, 2010

Jennifer Aniston Drops By the "Tonight Show"

Venturing out for a late night talk show stop, Jennifer Aniston was on-hand for the "Tonight Show" at NBC Studios in Burbank, California on Thursday (July 29).

The former "Friends" star looked darling in black as she spent time conversing with Jay Leno while promoting her upcoming movie "The Switch" - which hits theaters on August 20th.

During the course of the interview, Jay asked Jen if she would be willing to go to a bank to get pregnant (a la The Switch), to which Jen replied, "Jeez, that question's never been asked to me."

Thrown off a bit by the idea and ready for Leno to play a movie clip, Miss Aniston added, "You go to the bank and you have a card...I honestly don't know exactly."

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