Friday, July 16, 2010

First Clip From The Other Guys: Ferrell And Wahlberg Squabble Hilariously

The Other Guys right now is looking like one of those late-summer heroes, a comedy that looks genuinely funny and will come just when you start thinking that Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is the only thing left to look forward to. It's the latest collaboration between Will Ferrell and director Adam McKay, and this time Mark Wahlberg-- the actor who didn't seem to have a sense of humor until that whole "Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals" thing-- is on board for the ridiculousness.

How ridiculous? Well, I wrote about some of it in my set visit report, but basically you should expect pretty much anything and everything to happen in this movie, where improv was practically more important than the script. For further proof check out the first clip from the movie released today by Moviefone. Though Ferrell and Wahlberg play partners in the film, in this clip they're squabbling, and Wahlberg lashes out with one of cinema's great insults: "If I were a lion and you were a tuna, I would swim out in the middle of the ocean and eat you." Check out the clip below. The Other Guys hits theaters August 6.

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