Friday, July 30, 2010

Daniel Radcliffe's Alcohol-Infused 21st Birthday Celebration

Celebrating his 21st birthday, Daniel Radcliffe was spotted at a party held in London, England yesterday afternoon (July 29).

The “Harry Potter” stud looked a bit wild-eyed as he chatted with fellow revelers, perhaps having consumed a few too many adult beverages along the way.

During the course of the festivities, Radcliffe also hit up a bar at which he downed numerous shots of vodka while enjoying conversation with a few lovely ladies.

Prior to his return to London, Daniel made the most of his post-Harry Potter freedom by celebrating his 21st in St. Petersburg, Russia where he had a bit too much of the local favorite- vodka.

Of the trip, Radcliffe told press, “It was fantastic. I was in St Petersburg for my birthday, which is probably the most beautiful, the most incredible, wonderful place I’ve ever been in my life.”
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