Friday, July 30, 2010

Daft Punk's Tron Legacy Score Leaked Online

Like many of you, I nearly did a back-flip when I found out that Daft Punk would be writing the score for Tron Legacy (I say nearly because I ended up bashing my head on a coffee table and had to be rushed to the hospital). Everything about the band is a perfect fit right down to their look, as evidenced by the fact that they will be appearing in the film. So far the only music we've heard from the film has been snippets from the trailer, but if you are really desperate to hear more, you are in luck.

YouTube user alexdaft26 has uploaded the entire soundtrack to the film in nine videos which I have lovingly posted below. The score is everything you could want and more from the reigning kings of house music. I can't speak to the legality of these postings, so if you have any interest in them I suggest listening quickly. They may not be around forever.

Listen up!

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