Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise: "Kinght and Day" in the UK

Continuing along promoting their latest flick, Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz attended the UK Film Premiere of “Knight and Day” on Thursday (July 22).

The “Top Gun” stud and his “Sweetest Thing” co-star looked to be having a wonderful time together as they posed for press pictures and mingled with their fans.

Earlier today, the energetic duo showed up for to face each other in a car race at the BBC’s “Top Gear” event held just outside London, England.

As for Diaz’s driving skills, a source at the track told press, “She is feisty and certainly drives with gusto. She didn't like having manual transmission, but she had fun with it. A lot of laughing and a lot of cursing, which will have to be bleeped out."

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