Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Brandon Routh Would Be More Than Happy To Return As Superman

The script for the next Superman film has been written and there is talk that Jonathan Nolan is on top of a list to direct it, but rumors have not yet been flying as to who will play the Man of Steel. Fans have made suggestions ranging from Jon Hamm to Tom Welling for the role, but there are many out there that want to see Brandon Routh, who played the role in Bryan Singer's Superman Returns, come back to the role, and the actor can be counted amongst them.

Talking with the actor at a round-table interview for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Routh said that he has not yet heard anything about the Christopher Nolan-David Goyer written reboot, but would love to play the character again.

I certainly would [love to play Superman again]. As much as I say I’m working to shake that off or shake it up, I certainly don’t want to extinguish or get rid of it because it was a great honor and I would love to be able to return as that character.

When told about an internet groundswell supporting his return, Routh said that he wants it to “turn into a tsunami,” adding “I think the brothers Nolan are both very talented and so that makes it a different kind of film that would be than Bryan’s vision, which I think was a very nice film that I’m very proud of."

Superman Returns didn't exactly wow critics or audiences but it's nice to see that Brandon Routh isn't the kind of actor to burn bridges. He's seems to have genuinely loved playing the iconic role and doing it again wouldn't be just for the paycheck. So what do you think? Do we want to see Brandon Routh back in the cape?
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