Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Angelina Jolie: Seoul "Salt" Press Conference

Up for another day of promoting, Angelina Jolie attended the "Salt" press conference in Seoul, South Korea on Wednesday (July 28).

Held at the Shilla Hotel, the 35-year-old actress looked stunning as she opted to stick with an all-black ensemble during her continued Asian press tour.

Traveling with Shiloh, Maddox, Pax and Zahara, Miss Jolie made the trip to Seoul after premiering her CIA thriller in Tokyo, Japan the previous day.

The stop comes as "Salt" opens up in South Korea tomorrow (July 29), with the film placing second in the US box office during its opening weekend with a $36 million take.

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Angelina JolieAngelina JolieAngelina JolieAngelina JolieAngelina Jolie
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