Saturday, July 24, 2010

Adrianne Curry as Princess Leia at Comic-Con in San Diego

Adrianne Curry turned to a sure-fire way to attract plenty of attention at Comic-Con today.

The winner of the first America's Next Top Model strutted around the fan convention in San Diego dressed as Princess Leia in a gold metal bikini.

As Trekkies well know, Princess Leia, played by Carrie Fisher, was forced to wear the 'slave girl' outfit after she was captured Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi.

Adrianne, 27, is a self-confessed geek and recently spoke of her love of sci-fi, comic books and paraphernalia.

In an interview with comic book fan site she explained: 'When I was a very little girl, I spent my days watching Dark Crystal, Legend, The Last unicorn, Neverending Story, and Star Wars.

I am ashamed to admit it, but I was young, I also watched the Ewok Adventures. My Dad is huge into everything fantasy and sci-fi, and I guess he just rubbed off on me.

He was more into Star Trek though. As for comics, I was a tomboy, and most of my friends were boys, so that came naturally.'

Adrianne is married to The Brady Bunch's Christopher Knight - their gothic wedding featured in the U.S. reality TV show My Fair Brady.

May the Force be with you: Adrianne Curry dressed up as Princess Leia at Comic-Con in San Diego today.

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