In its quest to become increasingly meta the NBC comedy 30 Rock, which is about the filming of a live SNL-esque comedy show, will air a live episode this October. The cast will do two performances of the show, so that viewers on both coasts will catch it live.
Usually I'd write a live episode off as a cheap gimmick, but 30 Rock has an incredible cast of comedians, many of whom got their start doing improv. If there's any show that could bring something to the live format other than awkward pauses and over-enunciated lines, it's this one. Honestly, 30 Rock has been in a bit of a slump lately (Liz Lemon is single and Kenneth is wacky, we get it, move on.) and a shake-up of the formula could do the show good. The timing also couldn't be better, in light of the FCC's temporary incapacitation we could be getting a half-hour of nothing but swearingand nudity. As long as it doesn't involve Lutz.
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